New Year Philosophy

January 08, 2017

I’ve always been a fan of setting goals at the beginning of each year because it provides an excellent opportunity to reflect and focus on self-improvement, and it’s a tradition that I like to uphold. With that being said, it made me think of what I wrote last year and it frustrates me that I only accomplished 2 out of 13. What I noticed is that it wasn’t specific and it was just written at the back of a random notebook. I learned, however that such strategy didn’t work for me.  Luckily, a friend of mine gifted me a planner this year. So I decided that I need a new and different approach, specific and manageable for me to follow through. 

  1. Stop over-thinking and find peace in the present moment. I stress about everything. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I need to chill out. I had a coaching from my supervisor about this and it enlightened me. After days of research, I found out that getting physical and busy would help.
  2. Stop doing things we’ll later regret. Such as, the way I act with others (for some that were nice but I was too harsh). Always think of the consequences before acting on it.
  3. Write in my journal. I haven’t been successful with achieving this. It has been on my list last year and the year before…and the year before that. I love reading my old journal entries and every time I read them I always wish I had written frequently. This would be something that I can pass to my daughter and future granddaughter.
  4. Avoid toxic people. I love everyone and want to be friends with everyone, but negative people can bring you down and life is too short to be surrounded by that.
  5. Let go “the need to be liked”. Not the most important thing. Time to let go.
  6. Blog more. Post at least once a week
  7.  Save Money. I was intrigued with the 52 weeks money challenge but that wasn’t feasible since I don’t earn per week. This year shared 24 pay-outs money challenge which I think will work for me. I haven’t decided what my budget would be. I’ll update you soon.
  8. Learn something new. I know how to bake but I have always been reluctant of   learning how to cook. This is something I would like to work on this year.  
  9. Eat Healthy. Doesn’t necessarily mean that I have to be a vegan. But I want to monitor my intake, maybe eat plant based more often.
  10. Sleep at least 5-8 hours a day.  
  11.  Financially be back on track. Last year I have been living from pay check to pay check. I don’t know if it’s because I made a big purchase (house & lot) but definitely, I lost track of my expenses, bills were piling up. But, last night I have outlined everything and I hope I’m good.     
I hope I can mark off everything on the list by the end of this year.


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